Halloween has always been fun for kids. The pretending, imagining and dressing up as literally anything you can think of is all a part of the excitement behind Halloween. Annnnd of course the candy! Even as an adult I can't get enough of it. So in celebration of the spirit of Hallow's Day, here's some inspiration for you and your little one.
Evil, nice or inanimate the costume possibilities are endless!
Seeing as how it IS year of the White Tiger, how appropriate is this?! Super simple and adorable. Sure to keep him or her warm on the chilly October night. Check out www.fostersfunshop.com for more cool costumes.
This little guy is dressed up as a charming Sock Monkey from www.spirithalloween.com Again, sure to keep your precious one warm with a hat to match.
My personal favorite is the lovable Lion!
www.potterybarnkids.com Also has a great and unique select of costumes to fulfill the fantasy of any child wanting to be an Airplane or even a yummy donut.
You can even get reallly creative and go with homemade outfits. Maybe something more high tech and modern, yet still original and priceless. All that's left for you to do now parent, is not to forget the candy! Happy and safe trick-or-treating!