From the time I was young I have had an obsession with rust. As bizarre a thing this is to be obsessed with, I find it quite beautiful. The different color patterns it forms have always intrigued me and play a huge role in the color schemes of my personal art.
When my teacher Brian Dickerson heard of this fixation he told me I must check out photographer David Maisel's work called "Library of Dust." David traveled to what was known as the Oregon State Insane Asylum and hit the mother load of subject matter. It was here he found the "Library of Dust". In this room he found approximately 3,500 copper canisters that hold the cremated remains of patients spanning a time frame of about 90 years. Each canister has patina'd in its own unique way while the remains react with the copper. Each different and telling its own story.
I find this collection ghostly but leaves me strangely at peace. Take a look at some of the images he caught!