{ posted by Vanessa, owner + creative director }
I get asked almost once a week who my business partner is, if I have one — the other doll? Why are there two? Who is she? As she is about to give birth to her third child, I wanted to honor her with this post, and let the world know how much she means to me, and that although she isn't part of our day-to-day operation, she is part of me in so many ways. She will always be the reason I had the guts to start a company eight years ago.
Suzanne Cogan Gallagher has been my best friend since the fourth grade. She tells the story best — she knew we'd be BFF's for life when I sauntered onto the ski bus in 4th grade wearing a fluorescent yellow snowsuit. It was head to toe yellow, handed down from the neighbors, swimmingly too big for me... it was a beauty.
Growing up in the Poconos, the Cogans were my second family. As an only child, you can bet there wasn't a cooler place to hang out than the Cogan shack, where Suz was one of five kids (most being older and wiser, and certainly "cooler" than we were). Known to the Cogan clan (still at age 34) as Eddie Hascal, it's pretty safe to say that I was a shoe-in for the sixth kid.
{ Suzanne, our friend Amy, and me, back in the day }
Separated in ninth grade with Suzanne moving to South Jersey, we wrote letters and racked up phone bills that my mom still reminds me about. We attended different colleges, and years later we ended up a mile apart again living in Havertown, PA. Our weddings were four weeks apart from each other nine years ago, we had our children 3 months apart, and still to this day we are best friends forever.
FLASHBACK — late 90's — I was working as a graphic artist at the University of Pennsylvania and Suzanne worked in healthcare. We were both planning our weddings... well. Suzanne actually planned our weddings. If you know me, you know I don't plan anything. I happened to design some pretty awesome stationery for our weddings (well, at the time we and everyone else thought it was awesome). When we look back now, we laugh.
Anyhow, Suzanne's forté was always in the details — I call her Martha. My forté was in scheming up the grand ideas that neither of us had any clue how the hell they would come to fruition, but I just knew one day they would. Eventually, our individual strengths clicked with one another and formed a business — Two Paperdolls. Somewhere through the process I learned the true meaning of the word faith, and have surrounded myself with a hell of team of people and a great support system. Our company as it stands today would be nothing without those people, especially Suzanne.
Our kids are best friends. Her boys, twins (of course), Jack and Luke are always on the lookout for my son Landon, in school, at parties — they're always sure to report on his antics or his latest shenanigans. In case I didn't mention, Landon is my "mini-me." He looks and acts just like me, and he's definitely got the "Eddie Hascal" in him. No doubt.
Suzanne has supported me endlessly through life's biggest events and been a rock in my life for twenty-five years. She's a role model in so many ways, from the way she raises her children, to the kind of spouse she is to Dan, to the constant kindness she showers on every person she meets.
Suz, it's an honor to call you my best friend, and I can't wait to meet that new little bean. Thank you for always loving me, supporting me, and most of all putting up with me.